3kg lead shot bags are the largest available in the lumb bros range and offer superior comfort over traditional solid lead blocks, cordura bag for excellent abrasion resistance.
Lumb Bros 3kg Lead Shot Bag
The Lumb Bros 3kg Lead Shot Bag is the heaviest in the shot bag range and works really well with pocket style weight belts. A lead shot bag is a heavy duty cordura bag that is filled with small 'beads' of lead known as shot, in comparison with a standard lead block they are very soft and flexible which makes them an excellent choice for divers who find standard blocks bulky and painful. 3kg Lead Shot Bags are particularly well suited to use in integrated weigh systems of BCD's as they allow the BCD to move and fit in the way it was designed rather than being restricted by solid blocks of metal. The hard wearing cordura and high quality stitching used in the bags construction mean the likely hood of the bag splitting or a hole forming is very small, this can be annoying at the surface and potentially dangerous underwater.
Learn how to correctly perform a weight check .
3kg Lead Shot Bag features:
- Soft and flexible
- Heavy duty cordura
- Strong stitching